Llansannor & Llanharry C/W Primary School

March 2024

Dear all at home,

I hope this newsletter finds you all in good health and high spirits. It's hard to believe how quickly this term has flown by, but despite its speed, our students have been busy learning and achieving great things here at Llansannor.

One of the highlights of this term has been the fantastic learning that our students have engaged in, particularly when it comes to the Easter story. Through engaging lessons and activities, our pupils have deepened their understanding of the significance of this important religious event. Additionally, we have had the opportunity to visit local churches, where our students have had the chance to explore and reflect upon their Christian beliefs.

In the spirit of celebration, I am delighted to announce the arrival of our leavers' hoodies. The excitement among our students was palpable as they proudly donned their hoodies, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their educational journey. It is truly heartwarming to witness their growth and development over the years.

We also had a wonderful time celebrating both World Book Day and St. David's Day. Our students embraced their favourite literary characters and showcased their creativity through costumes and activities. Furthermore, we took great pride in honouring our Welsh heritage on St. David's Day, promoting our national language and culture.

I would like to take a moment to commend our students for their growing sense of responsibility. They are becoming more adept at keeping their belongings safe, which is a testament to their growing maturity and awareness. I am incredibly proud of their progress.

As we move forward, I would like to remind all parents to stay connected with the school through our school app. It is an invaluable tool for keeping up to date with important announcements, events, and any changes that may arise. Additionally, our new school termly planner will soon be available on our website and will be emailed to you all before the end of term. This will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the upcoming term, ensuring that you are well-informed and prepared.

In closing, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Your dedication and partnership are instrumental in creating a nurturing and enriching environment for our students to thrive in. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable break.

Love and Prayers,

Mrs Davies

PS 1

It has been a busy half term in Nursery and reception. Our students have been diving into the enchanting world of storytelling. They have been captivated by the classic tale "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" and have even put their own creative spin on it. Inspired by Roald Dahl's "The Enormous Crocodile," our young writers have crafted their own version called "We're Going on a Crocodile Hunt." It's been a joy to witness their imaginations soar and witness the growth of their storytelling skills.

I am thrilled to share with you that our students recently showcased their creativity and storytelling abilities during our theatre morning. Each class had the opportunity to present their videos, retelling the stories they had written. As a token of my appreciation, each student was given a pencil to encourage their continued journey as authors. Their hard work and enthusiasm deserve celebration!

In addition to fostering a love for literature, we have been focusing on teaching our students about the importance of responsibility. Learning how to keep things safe has been a key aspect of our curriculum.

As Easter approaches, we have been delving into the Easter story and all its significance. Through various activities and discussions, our students have been gaining a deeper understanding of the traditions and values associated with this important holiday. It is truly heartwarming to see their curiosity and engagement as they explore the story behind Easter.

Please make sure to regularly check the school app for any updates or changes. We value your involvement and want to ensure that you have all the information you need to support your child's education.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our school community. Together, we can create a nurturing and inspiring environment for our students to thrive in. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

The PS 1 Team

PS 2

It has been an exciting few weeks in PS2.

In Years 2 and 3, our students have been diving into the enchanting world of Fantastic Mr Fox. They have been studying the book and have even created wanted posters for the cunning character himself. It's been fantastic to see their creativity and imagination shine through in their work.

Meanwhile, our Year 1 students have been captivated by the charming story of What the Ladybird Heard. They have been busy describing the various characters from the book, showcasing their descriptive writing skills.

One of the highlights for all of our pupils has been the opportunity to engage in outdoor learning under our brand-new canopy. This addition to our school has provided a wonderful space for our students to explore, learn, and connect with nature. We believe in the importance of outdoor education, and it has been heartwarming to see the joy and enthusiasm on their faces as they embrace this new learning environment.

I am also thrilled to inform you that we recently celebrated a special Holy Cross church event, where our students showcased their understanding of "What is the Trinity?" It was a beautiful celebration filled with songs and a sharing of our collective learning. We are incredibly proud of their efforts and the spiritual growth they have shown.

As we approach the Easter break, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you to cherish this time with your loved ones. It is a chance to relax, rejuvenate, and create lasting memories. Enjoy the break, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back refreshed and ready for the next term.

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in our school community. Together, we can continue to provide the best possible education for our students.

The PS2 Team

PS 3

PS3 students have been engaged in a variety of activities that have truly showcased their creativity and curiosity. One notable project has been centred around the theme of 'Spotlight on Wales', where our pupils have been exploring the art of creating videos. They have delved into the world of camera angles, honing their skills in capturing captivating footage. In addition, they have also crafted scripts that beautifully highlight the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of our beloved country.

Furthermore, our students have been pondering a thought-provoking question: Why do Christians refer to the day Jesus died as 'Good Friday'? Through engaging discussions and research, they have gained a deeper understanding of the significance behind this solemn day. It is great to witness their intellectual growth and their ability to explore complex topics with such maturity.

In other news, we were thrilled to welcome the Cardiff City Foundation to our school, who graciously shared their expertise in teaching our pupils various football skills. This partnership has not only provided our students with an opportunity to enhance their sporting abilities but has also emphasised the importance of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.

I am delighted to announce that all the videos created by our talented students will be judged, and the winners will be revealed during the highly anticipated LAFTAS. The LAFTAS, our very own film awards ceremony, promises to be an unforgettable event that celebrates the creativity and hard work of our budding filmmakers. We are immensely proud of their dedication and cannot wait to witness their cinematic masterpieces.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to enjoy a well-deserved Easter break with your loved ones. It is a time to recharge, relax, and create cherished memories. We look forward to welcoming our students back refreshed and ready to embark on new adventures in the summer term.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.

The PS3 teaching team

Our school as a Church

This half term we have been learning about the value of Responsibility and how we can be responsible. We have been more responisble for our things by ensuring our cloakroom is tidy.

Rev Angela continues to visit us weekly as we explore our termly value. We find out how we can all follow God's word by staying true to Christian values.

We have also been able to visit our local churches this half term which has been a real treat. Thank you to everyone involved in the organisation of these trips.

Our pupils also enjoy our assemblies with Alun where we find out more about the stories from the Old testament.

We are very grateful for the time we are given by these wonderful people.

Don't miss our next Messy Church session on Saturday 20th April. Further information to follow.

Experience Easter

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to making our experience at Holy Cross Church a memorable one! Years 4 & 5 had an incredible time exploring the Easter story and discovering its significance. The year 6 Easter experience took place at Ebenezer church, Talbot Green.

The students were fully engaged, asking thoughtful questions and participating in various activities that brought the story to life. We are immensely grateful to the church and all the volunteers who generously shared their time and knowledge with our children.

We believe that experiences like these foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for our cultural heritage. It's fantastic to see our students actively learning and embracing the values of compassion, empathy, and gratitude.

Friends of Llansannor

Diolch yn fawr to the Friends of Llansannor who have organised so many wonderful fundraising activities for our pupils this half term.

Our pupils thoroughly enjoyed shopping for the lovely ladies in their lives with simply gorgeous gifts.

Thanks to those Friends who organise this event.

We look forward to the Hop-a-thon and finding out how much valuable funds we have raised to help with essential resources for school.

World Book Day

We are thrilled to celebrate World Book Day at Llansannor & Llanharry CiW Primary School! Our amazing pupils have dressed up as characters from the magical world of Roald Dahl. From Matilda to Willy Wonka, their creativity knows no bounds!

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the parents, carers, and staff members who supported the children in bringing their favourite characters to life.

We believe that fostering a love for reading is crucial, and events like World Book Day help ignite the imagination of our young learners.

Diolch yn fawr!

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

As you may be aware, the Welsh Government has recently announced a new law that will come into effect from April 6, 2024. This law mandates all organisations, including schools, to sort their waste for recycling. This means that we, as a school community, have a shared responsibility to be more organised and proactive when it comes to recycling.

To comply with this new legislation, we kindly request your support in reinforcing the importance of waste separation to your children at home. Encourage them to become environmentally conscious individuals by actively participating in waste sorting at school and at home. By instilling these habits from an early age, we can ensure a sustainable future for our children and our planet.

One specific area where we would appreciate your cooperation is with packed lunch waste. Please encourage your children to place any leftover food or packaging back into their lunchboxes after they have finished eating. This will enable them to bring the waste home and dispose of it correctly in your household recycling bins. By doing so, we can teach our children the importance of responsible waste management and the positive impact it has on our environment.

Additionally, I would like to suggest using reusable containers for packed lunches wherever possible. By opting for reusable containers, we can significantly reduce the amount of waste generated and, in turn, keep our carbon footprint low. This small change can have a big impact on our environment and is a step towards creating a more sustainable future.

Ordering of School Meals

I am writing to inform you about a recent change regarding the ordering process for school lunches at Llansannor & Llanharry CiW Primary School.

Due to limitations we are currently facing in the kitchen, we regret to inform you that we will no longer be able to accept orders for school lunches on the day itself. In order to ensure a smooth and efficient lunch service, the system allows parents to place their meal orders up to two weeks in advance using Parent Pay.

To guarantee that your child receives a school lunch on a particular day, it is essential that you place your order before 8am. Unfortunately, if an order has not been placed, we will be unable to provide a meal for your child and you will be kindly requested to provide them with a packed lunch instead.

We understand that this change may cause some inconvenience, and we sincerely apologise for any disruption this may cause to your routine. However, we strongly urge you to plan ahead and make use of the Pre-Order option on Parent Pay. By doing so, you can ensure that your child will have a meal at school without any complications.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Encouraging Good Attendance: A Key to Success

At our school, we firmly believe that regular and punctual attendance is crucial for every child's overall development and academic progress. We strive to create a positive and nurturing learning environment, where each student can thrive and reach their full potential. In order to achieve this, we need your support in ensuring that your child attends school regularly and maintains a target attendance of 96%.

Why is good attendance so important? Research consistently shows that there is a strong correlation between good attendance and academic achievement. Attending school regularly not only allows your child to engage fully in all aspects of the curriculum but also fosters the development of essential social and emotional skills. By being present in the classroom, your child has the opportunity to establish meaningful relationships with their peers, participate in group activities, and benefit from invaluable teacher guidance.

Moreover, when students attend school consistently, they build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, setting them up for future success. They are more likely to grasp new concepts, make progress in their learning, and develop a sense of responsibility and commitment towards their education. Regular attendance also helps children develop a routine, which further enhances their time management skills and prepares them for the demands of secondary education and beyond.

As a school, we are committed to supporting you and your child in maintaining good attendance. We have implemented various strategies to encourage and celebrate those who consistently achieve the 96% target. These include:

Weekly attendance awards: We will recognise and reward the classes with the highest attendance rates, reinforcing the importance of regular school attendance.

Communication and support: Our dedicated staff are here to address any concerns or challenges you may face regarding attendance. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's class teacher, or myself if you require assistance or guidance.

Early intervention: We understand that occasionally, circumstances arise that may impact your child's attendance. In such cases, please keep us informed as soon as possible, so we can provide appropriate support and work together to minimise any disruption to their education.

Engaging curriculum and activities: We continuously strive to create a vibrant and stimulating learning environment, where children are excited to come to school. By offering a diverse range of engaging lessons, extracurricular activities, and events, we aim to motivate and inspire our students to be present and actively participate in their educational journey.

Together, as a school community, let us make a collective effort to prioritise good attendance and ensure that every child has the best possible chance to succeed. By working in partnership, we can instil a strong sense of commitment and dedication to education, setting the stage for a bright future for our children.

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to working alongside you throughout this academic year. If you have any questions or concerns regarding attendance or any other matter, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Dates for your diary

Don't forget you can use your new school app where all the dates for the next term are displayed. The termly planner is available on our website.